Parking Ratio:
Dividing the total rentable square footage of a building by the building’s total number of parking spaces provides the amount of rentable square feet per each individual parking space.

Partial Sales
: The sale of an interest in real estate that is less than the whole property. This may include a sale of easement rights, parcel of land or retail pad, or a single building of a multi-building investment.

Partial Taking
: The taking of part of an owner’s property under the laws of eminent domain, See Eminent Domain

Percentage Rent:
Rent payable under a lease that is equal to a percentage of gross sales or gross revenues received by the tenant. It is commonly used in retail center leases.

Performance: The quarterly changes in fund or account values attributable to investment income, realized or unrealized appreciation, and the total gross return to the investors both before and after investment management fees. Formulas for calculating performance information are varied, making comparisons difficult.

Performance Bond:
A surety bond posted by a contractor guaranteeing full performance of a contract with the proceeds to be used to complete the contract or compensate for the owner’s loss in the event of nonperformance

Performance Measurement: The process of measuring an investor’s real estate performance in terms of individual assets, advisers/managers and portfolios. The scope of performance measurement reports varies among managers, consultants and plan sponsors.

Permanent Loan:
The long-term mortgage on a property

Plat: Map of a specific area, such as a subdivision, that shows the boundaries of individual lots together with streets and easements

Portfolio Management:
The portfolio management process involves formulating, modifying and implementing a real estate investment strategy in light of an investor’s broader overall investment objectives. It also can be defined as the management of several properties owned by a single entity.

Power of Sale: Clause inserted in a mortgage or deed of trust giving the mortgagee (or trustee) the right and power, upon default in the payment of the debt secured, to advertise and sell the property at public auction

Space in a proposed building that has been leased before the start of construction or in advance of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

Prepayment rights:
Rights given to the borrower to make partial or full payment of the total principal balance prior to the maturity date without penalty

Price to Earnings ratio:
This ratio is calculated by dividing the current share price by the sum of the primary earnings per share from continuing operations, before extraordinary items and accounting changes, over the past four quarters.

Prime Space: Typically refers to first-generation space that is available for lease

Prime Tenant: The major tenant in a building, or the major or anchor tenant in a shopping center. See Anchor Tenant.

Principal Payments:
The return of invested capital to the lender

Private Placement: A sale of a security in a manner that is exempt from the registration rules and requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission. An example would be a REIT directly placing an issue of stock with a pension fund.

Pro Rata: In the case of a tenant, the proportionate share of expenses for the maintenance and operation of the property

Production Acres: The area of land that can be used in agriculture or timber operations to produce income, not including areas used for crop or machinery storage, or other support areas

Punch List:
An itemized list documenting incomplete or unsatisfactory items after the contractor has notified the owner that the tenant space is substantially complete. Done also for CO.