New York City’s 100 Worst Landlords for 2017

NYC Public Advocate's List

Each year, the New York City Public Advocate’s office releases a list of their “100 worst landlords in New York City”. It is a way to try to publicly brig these landlords into compliance and let current and future tenants that buildings owned by these companies/individuals have a higher rate of non-compliance (open violations).

Renters may see how many violations have been recorded at each landlord’s property on the Public Advocates Website.

“No New Yorker should be subjected to live in a hazardous home, yet bad landlords in our City are forcing too many tenants to live in dangerous and indecent conditions,” James said in a press release. “We will continue to identify the worst abusers of tenants and take on practices that deny working families a chance to simply live in safe, decent housing.”

100 Worst Landlords in New York City

We are sure there are many lousy landlords. We will never see the top 100 or top 1000 worst tenants, as unfortunately, they do exist.

Keep on your toes, landlords must maintain their units and tenants should do all they can within their means to help. Again, you, the tenant has the right to a clean, decent, safe place to call home.

Call your local health department to report problems. See more on