A Statute is a set of rules or laws passed by a government to regulate.
Here, we are referring to Landlord Tenant Statutes, the set of regulations governing the basics of Landlord Tenant Law in each state.
Your local city or county may have further laws or standards.
Alabama | Alabama. Code §§ 35-9-1 to -100 |
Alaska | Alaska Stat. §§ 34.03.010 to .380 |
Arizona | Arizona Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 12-1171 to -1183; §§ 33-1301 to -1381 |
Arkansas | Arkansas Code Ann. §§ 18-16-101 to -306 |
California | California Civil Code §§ 1925-1954, 1961-1962.7, 1995.010-1997.270 |
Colorado | Colorado. Rev. Stat. §§ 38-12-101 to -104, -301 to -302 |
Connecticut | Connecticut Gen. Stat. Ann. §§ 47a-1 to -51 |
Delaware | Delaware Code. Ann. tit. 25, §§ 5101-7013 |
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District of Columbia | D.C. Code Ann. §§ 42-3201 to -4097, -3501.01 to -3509.03 |
Florida | Florida §§ 83.40-.66 |
Georgia | Georgia Code Ann. §§ 44-7-1 to -81 |
Hawaii | Hawaii Revised. Stat. §§ 521-1 to -78 |
Idaho | Idaho Code §§ 6-301 to -324 and §§ 55-201 to -313 |
Illinois | Illinois Comp. Statute. ch. 765 705/0.01-740/5 |
Indiana | Indiana Code Ann. §§ 32-7-1-1 to 37-7-9-10 |
Iowa | Iowa Code Ann. §§ 562A.1-.36 |
Kansas | Kansas Stat. Ann. §§ 58-2501 to -2573 |
Kentucky | Kentucky Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 383.010-.715 |
Louisiana | Louisiana Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 9:3201-:3259; La. Civ. Code Ann. art. 2669-2742 |
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Maine | Maine Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 14, §§ 6001-6046 |
Maryland | Maryland. Real Prop. Code Ann., §§ 8-101 to -604 |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Genera. Laws Ann. ch. 186 §§ 1-21 |
Michigan | Michigan Comp. Laws Ann. § 554.601-.640 |
Minnesota | Minnesota Stat. Ann. §§ 504B.001 to 504B.471 |
Mississippi | Mississippi Code Ann. §§ 89-8-1 to -27 |
Missouri | Missouri Ann. Stat. §§ 441.005 to .880; and §§ 535.150-.300 |
Montana | Montana. Code Ann. §§ 70-24-101 to -25-206 |
Nebraska | Nebraska. Rev. Stat. §§ 76-1401 to -1449 |
Nevada | Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 118A.010-.520 |
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New Hampshire | New Hampshire Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 540:1 to 540:29; 540-A:1-540-A:8 |
New Jersey | New Jersey State Leg. §§ 46:8-1 to - 49 |
New Mexico | New Mexico. Stat. Ann. §§ 47-8-1 to -51 |
New York | New York Real Property Law ("RPL") §§ 220-238; |
North Carolina | North Carolina. Gen. Stat. §§ 42-1 to 42-14.2; 42-25-6 to 42-76 |
North Dakota | North Dakota Cent. Code §§ 47-16-01 to -41 |
Ohio | Ohio Revised Code Ann. §§ 5321.01-.19 |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma Stat. Ann. tit. 41, §§ 1-136 |
Oregon | Oregon Revised Stat. §§ 90.100-.450 |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania. Stat. Ann. tit. 68, §§ 250.101-.510-B |
Rhode Island | Rhode Island Gen. Laws §§ 34-18-1 to -57 |
South Carolina | South Carolina Code Ann. §§ 27-40-10 to -910 |
South Dakota | South Dakota Codified Laws Ann. §§ 43-32-1 to -29 |
Tennessee | Tennessee Code Ann. §§ 66-28-101 to -520 |
Texas | Texas Property Code Ann. §§ 91.001-92.354 |
Utah | Utah Code Ann. §§ 57-17-1 to -5, -22-1 to -6 |
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Vermont | Vermont Statute Title 9 Chapter 137 Residential Rental Agreements |
Virginia | Virginia Code Ann. §§ 55-218.1 to -248.40 |
Washington | Washington State. Rev. Code Ann. §§ 59.04.010-.900, .18.010-.911 |
West Virginia | West Virginia. Code §§ 37-6-1 to -30 |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin Stat. Ann. §§ 704.01-.45 |
Wyoming | Wyoming Stat. §§ 1-21-1201 to -1211; 34-2-128 to -129 |